Coffee is the great equaliser.
Everyone in the world has got an opinion on coffee.
You might love it. Some hate it (weirdos).
But it certainly has the power to bring people together and open a conversation.
Its the golden elixir that warms you up and gives you that kick to start your day.

But that doesn’t really explain why…

Operating in hospitality - you’ve got to be a little bit crazy.
You’ve got to love it, because it can’t just be about the money.
You’ve got to be good at it, because competition is fierce.
You’ve got to build that community around you, because they are your support.

Its the culmination of all this that makes us love it.
The craft of making a coffee,
The art of conversation
The business acumen required
The team you build and lead
All for a cup of coffee

There’s something magical about it.
It’s a beautiful mix of art and science.
We actually couldn’t imagine doing anything else.
Coffee is a way of life.

A huge influence on my life was Anthony Bourdain.
He speaks about food and travel with such passion. Its intoxicating.
His subject expertise was honed in the dish pits and hot griddles of restaurants for decades. There’s a fondness he shares about hospitality which highlights the intricacies of serving up even one dish to its highest potential.

That’s how we feel about coffee.
We want to share our story about coffee with the world.

How did we get here?

It started in a tiny hole in the wall coffee shop washing dishes. The promotion to the coffee machine happened and soon we were slamming out lattes in cafes all throughout Brisbane. Hospitality took us to the resorts of Thredbo and fine dining establishments in Woolloongabba.

Our experience lead us into account management for Genovese coffee - servicing over 100 cafes as a business to business rep and providing barista trainings for five years.

This lead into small business ownership of Rumour Mill Espresso, ownership of Bardon Markets and qualifications of Training and Assessment to share that knowledge of coffee with anyone who will listen.

Hospitality is our nature.